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Timothy Mays, PhD, PE

The Citadel

Timothy is President of SE/ES and an Associate Professor of Civil Engineering at The Citadel in Charleston, SC. Dr. Mays recently served as Executive Director of the Structural Engineers Associations of South Carolina and North Carolina. He currently serves as NCSEA Publications Committee Chairman. He has received two national teaching awards (ASCE and NSPE) and both national (NSF) and regional (ASEE) awards for outstanding research. He is the recipient of the 2009 NCSEA Service Award. He is a prolific speaker who sits on several code writing committees and his areas of expertise are code applications, structural design, seismic design, steel connections, structural dynamics, and civil engineering aspects of antiterrorism.
Photo of Timothy Mays

David L. Kelly Distinguished Engineer Award

The David L. Kelly Distinguished Engineer Award recognizes those individuals or firms whose commitment to engineering excellence has allowed for industry advancement and achievement.



The award honors the career-long commitment of Dave Kelly to the constant evolution of engineering solutions for the tilt-up industry. Learn more >

Upcoming Talks

Past Talks

Practical Applications of Nonlinear Static Analysis to the Seismic Design of Tilt-Up Structures
Tilt-Up Convention and Expo 2020 - Virtual - October 5, 2020

Engineering Tilt-Up
Tilt-Up Convention and Expo 2020 - Virtual - October 5, 2020

Limit Design of Tilt-Up
Tilt-Up Academy - September 28, 2020

Engineering Tilt-Up: (Part 1-1) Wall Panel Design
Tilt-Up Academy - January 1, 2020

Engineering Tilt-Up: (Part 1-3) Load Determination
Tilt-Up Academy - January 1, 2020

Engineering Tilt-Up: (Part 1-4) Wall Panel Design (Lateral) + Foundation Design
Tilt-Up Academy - January 1, 2020

Engineering Tilt-Up: (Part 2) Building Example - Appendix A
Tilt-Up Academy - January 1, 2020

Practical Applications of Nonlinear Static Analysis to the Seismic Design of Tilt-Up Structures
Tilt-Up Convention and Expo 2019 - Atlanta - September 28, 2019