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Seismic Performance of Partially Composite Insulated Tilt-Up Wall Panels

October 11, 2024 from 1:30pm to 2:00pm Mountain Standard Time

Marc Maguire, Ph.D.

Partially composite Insulated wall panels offer an intriguing option for design of lightweight walls in seismic prone regions. Tilt-up walls in seismic areas are often controlled by out-of-plane load which can far exceed that of wind due to the large mass of tilt up walls. Using a partially composite insulated wall reduces the mass considerably, particularly compared to a non-composite wall, thus reducing reinforcement demand considerably. However, there is very little information on the behavior of insulated walls in seismic zones and the effectiveness of standard detailing is not well known. Further, the performance of insulated wall panel connectors in seismic regions is a complete unknown. This talk presents new testing information on the cyclic performance of insulated wall panel wythe connectors in an effort to gain insight into future performance. While there are limited large scale test results available on this topic, the results of several simulations of large scale walls will be presented and discussed.

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