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Chemical Sequencing and Best Practices for Tilt-up Construction

October 11, 2024 from 9:30am to 10:30am Mountain Standard Time

Solana Ballroom E [Stage A]

Derick Rainey

Are you an contractor, architect, or engineer involved in tilt-up construction? This session will discuss the function, application, and proper sequence of chemical products used in tilt-up construction. Understanding these chemicals is crucial to ensure high-quality panels, efficient methods, and reduced costs. We will delve into not only how these products function individually, but also how they interact with each other and the concrete itself. We will examine common products like bondbreakers, densifiers, curing compounds, and release agents, and how they fit into the overall tilt-up process.


  • Identify the major chemicals involved in tilt-up and how they function.
  • Understand the importance of timing and the sequence of application.
  • Understand how mix design can effect application rates and results.
  • Understand how to select and apply the correct product in the correct order at the correct time.

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