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Better Materials, Better Designs, Better Ways to Build with Concrete

October 6, 2022 from 3:30pm to 4:30pm Mountain Standard Time

Colorado Convention Center - Mile High 4EF

Luke Pinkerton

Design and construction professionals face significant challenges driven by increasing customer demands, rapidly changing material costs, strained supply chains, and the loss of workers going into trades. However, a more urgent issue is that climate change is a real and growing concern. Given that concrete is the most widely used manufactured material in the world, the Portland Cement Association (PCA) has challenged the design and construction industries to address the issue by developing a roadmap to carbon neutrality by 2050. Optimization, avoiding overdesign, designing for performance, and leveraging technology are critical parts of the path. This Seminar focuses on one opportunity to improve environmental outcomes and the competitiveness of concrete as a structural system by using advanced analysis, materials, and methods to design plain concrete in structural ground-supported slabs. Since structural ground-supported slabs are foundations that transmit vertical loads or lateral forces from other portions of a structure to the soil, the provisions of ACI 318 are applicable. These types of slabs are common in ASRS (Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems) with rack-supported roofs.


  • Introduction to the PCA roadmap and its call to action
  • Understand definitions and requirements for structural slabs on grade
  • Understand how plain concrete approaches are used in structural slabs on ground
  • Compare and Contrast Different Design Approaches for Structural Slabs

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