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Robotic Construction Layout: Practical Applications and Expert Advice

October 11, 2024 from 3:00pm to 4:00pm Mountain Standard Time

Solana Ballroom E [Stage A]

David Venegas

Accurate and efficient layout is fundamental to the success of any tilt-up project, yet it remains one of the most significant skill shortages in the construction industry. In response, the technology community is stepping up, introducing cutting-edge positioning technologies and robotic layout systems to address this challenge. This session will provide an in-depth look at the current state of automation in construction layout, exploring the advantages and disadvantages of these emerging technologies and offering insight into where the industry is headed. Attendees will learn about the latest advancements in robotic layout, best practices before and during layout, and hear firsthand experiences from the field.


  • Master the fundamentals of building layout (civil) and its role in tilt-up construction.
  • Understand the key considerations for saw cutting layout and its integration with automated systems.
  • Learn best practices for panel layout, optimizing accuracy and efficiency using new technologies.
  • Explore how building layout automation benefits all trades, from early-stage civil work to finish trades, ensuring project success.

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