September 28, 2019 from 10:30am to 11:30am Central Standard Time
Joseph J. Steinbicker, PE, SE, FTCA
It is now widely accepted and codified that tilt-up concrete panel construction is considered site-cast pre-cast. As such, the structural integrity provisions of the American Concrete Institute’s “Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete” (ACI 318-14) apply. The details required to satisfy the structural integrity provisions for the common one- and two-story tilt-up buildings are, for the most part, well known and in common use. However, with the increasing use of load-bearing tilt-up concrete panels to construct multi-story buildings of three stories or more, additional structural integrity provisions become applicable. This presentation will identify and discuss the code-required structural integrity provisions applicable to multi-story tilt-up, and it will show some typical details that satisfy these requirements.
At Dayton Superior, we are serious about providing the best concrete construction product solutions in the industry. To us, they are not just what we sell, they’re a reflection of who we are. Our ... continue reading >