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Tilt-Up Panel Base-of-Wall Connection Primer

October 6, 2022 from 2:30pm to 3:30pm Mountain Standard Time

Colorado Convention Center - Mile High 4EF

Omar Sheikh, PE, SE

Reinforced concrete tilt-up panels resist lateral forces, such as seismic and wind, via out-of-plane and in-plane stiffnesses of the panel. A critical junction of the lateral force load path is at the base-of-wall connection (BOWC) to the foundation elements.

To maintain stability of the building system, the BOWC must possess sufficient strength and stiffness. To minimize construction costs, it is important for the BOWC to be detailed with project sequencing and economic considerations in mind. Furthermore, in seismic zones, the BOWC must oftentimes serve as a vital ductile seismic fuse. Design and detailing of the BOWC vary amongst Structural Engineers and also by regions across the world.

The purposes of this seminar are to highlight the basic concepts of tilt-up panel shear and out-of-plane design, review the forces which occur at the BOWC, overview some of the fascinating types of BOWC details utilized in construction in the US and abroad, review the special seismic design requirements for the BOWC, and discuss economic considerations of the BOWC.


  • Review essential concepts of tilt-up panel shear (in-plane) and out-of-plane forces design.
  • Review the forces which occur at the BOWC, and overview seismic design requirements of the BOWC.
  • Review some of the intriguing types of BOWC details used by Structural Engineers in the US and abroad.
  • Discuss economic considerations of the BOWC.

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