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Disaster Preparedness: Lessons Learned from 2017’s Catastrophic Hurricanes, Floods and Fires

September 20, 2018 from 9:00am to 10:00am Central Standard Time

Dallas Ballroom BC

Shawn Hickey, FTCA, CCS, GSC

It’s fair to state that in 2017, Mother Nature delivered a wrath of extreme challenges for many of us, from extreme heat, record lows, and historical floods, to devastating winds, relentless mudslides and overwhelming fires. Planning for such disasters has become a necessity in most of our businesses in order to limit property damage and loss of life. Join top tilt-up professionals from some of the most hard-hit areas in 2017 for a discussion surrounding the impact of these events and their plans for when disaster strikes again.

Post Disaster Site Re-entry Recommendations

Recently, the Tilt-Up Concrete Association published a new resource to assist with disaster planning. It’s the first in a series of resources on this subject. At the time it was published, Hurricane Harvey had just devastated Texas and Irma was fast approaching Florida. It was too late for preventative measures. The TCA decided to work backwards, beginning with what to do on the morning after a natural disaster.

Post Disaster Site Re-entry Recommendations,” written in just hours and approved by TCA Board of Directors by special committee process as Irma made her approach, aimed to offer actionable items to consider in the minutes prior to leaving the job site and the moments prior to reentry following the storm. Within hours of publication, 114 downloads were registered by the TCA, clearly indicating there is a need for such planning.

At the 2018 Tilt-Up Convention and Expo in Dallas, you will hear from the professionals impacted by disaster in 2017.

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