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ACI Slender Wall Design Provisions – Behind the Scenes

October 11, 2024 from 10:30am to 11:30am Mountain Standard Time

Solana Ballroom FG [Stage B]

Trent Nagele, P.E., S.E.

The design provisions in ACI 318 Section 11.8 are used for a large majority of tilt-up wall designs. However, they are presented as an “alternate” design method and can often be somewhat of an enigma to new or even experienced designers. Based on the ACI 551.2R design guide updates currently being edited by ACI 551 and the recently published Concrete International article, “Tilt-up Design Pitfalls” (Feb 2024) and ACI PCR-551.3-21 Technote, this seminar will go behind the provisions to present historical background, calculation basis, pitfalls, and best practices in applying the code requirements in everyday design.


  • To better understand the ACI provisions, calculations and their basis
  • Gain insight from tips for best practices
  • Avoid pitfalls that have crept in to some calculations

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