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Tilt-Up in Mexico: Challenges and Opportunities

October 6, 2022 from 7:00am to 8:00am Mountain Standard Time

Colorado Convention Center - Mile High 4B

Jorge Figueroa Silva, ITESM

This talk is intended to introduce attendees to the tilt-up market in Mexico. Over the years, construction in Mexico has been influenced by the processes and technological advances that occur in North America, with a lag of about 5 to 10 years. Tilt-up is no exception, and the use of this construction system began 30 years ago. In the last 20 years, the tilt-up has become very popular. However, its use has been limited to industrial buildings, as if the evolution of this system had stalled at the beginning of the tilt-up in the United States. Through this presentation, we will explore where Mexico is in the tilt-up market development and discuss the great challenges hampering its expansion in application in a market where cheap labor abounds, but experience and technical knowledge of the system are lacking.


  • Describe the tilt up market in Mexico.
  • Understand how building regulations are based on those used in the United States, and why interest in the TCA or a national association has not yet caught on.
  • Stress the need to bring, and update, best practices to the tilt-up market in Mexico.
  • Identify business opportunities that will open up when the tilt-up opens up to other markets.

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