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My Brain Made Me Do It: Psychological Drivers of Employee Behavior

September 17, 2021 from 11:00am to 12:00pm Central Standard Time

Hyatt Regency 4th Floor - Grand F-H

Shae Birkey, MS, CSP

There’s more than meets the eye when an incident occurs. When leaders understand the drivers of human behavior, how the brain works, and how to use biology to our advantage, it’s easier for them to understand the connection between people, culture and performance. Through specific examples and personal experiences, the presenter will help you achieve an understanding of the psychological mechanics behind risk assessment, human reaction and communicating in a way people will pay attention.


  • Discover how to approach safety from a place of curiosity versus compliance.
  • Understand the various personal and cultural drivers on decision making.
  • Learn how to utilize tools to help communicate with impact.
  • Discover ways to use this new information in order to drive safety performance.

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