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New Technology Protects Walls and Allows Safe Carbon Uptake

October 5, 2022 from 7:00am to 8:00am Mountain Standard Time

Colorado Convention Center - Mile High 4B

Mark Chew

Introducing the PAVIX & YUFIX technology that protects tilt structures from water, freeze/thaw, chloride intrusion, and all other environmental contamination. This technology is continuously active, using moisture to its advantage rather than fighting it. Because of the continuous activity, your tilt walls will self-cleanse with every moisture event, and most importantly when dry conditions are present this technology goes dormant in the pores allowing for safe carbon uptake.


  • Understanding how a 100% green product through the process of diffusion can protect your tilt structure and allow the walls to become a safe carbon uptake resource.
  • Understanding why / how one application will last 20 plus years for continuous protection.
  • Understanding why the government such as Andrews Air Base went with this technology with a 20 year warranty against moisture / chloride intrusion.
  • Explain an actual case study project in Tampa starting next month. 360,000sf of tilt walls protected with Pavix. I will explain why this project specifically selected ICC technology for sea air chloride protection and safe carbon uptake when the walls are dry.

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