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Considering Pre-Disaster Preparation Guidelines

Español | Translation Sponsored by Nox-Crete Products Group

The devastating damage, flooding and displacement of people resulting from Hurricane Harvey should be an opportunity to unite our deeply divided country. In spite of the divisive rhetoric coming out of the White House, the human suffering and property damage should not be partisan. The current Texas Senators (who voted against federal relief for Hurricane Sandy victims) are learning a valuable lesson of both empathy and compassion now that their state and residents are in need of help.

In light of what we at the TCA have witnessed as a result of the storm, the Executive Staff and the Board of Directors decided to put together a hotline/website for our Texas members in need of help (workers, equipment, materials, etc.) get in touch with other TCA members who were willing to help. The TCA acted purely as a facilitator of connecting the members in need with members who were willing to help.

Unlike many of messages given by the current climate in the U.S., every member of the TCA is just as important as any other member of the TCA, regardless of the state or county in which they reside. The TCA is not a political group, nor will it ever be. We are a trade association with members we know and respect.

Now that we have begun facilitating member-to-member aid after a disaster, the TCA Board of Directors will shortly be considering “Pre-Disaster Preparation Guidelines.” These guidelines will be helpful lists that our members can use to prepare for foreseeable natural disasters (hurricanes, floods, blizzards, fires). Many times, preparation can either eliminate damage or greatly reduce your downtime after the disaster has passed. Preparation can also save tens of thousands of dollars in data damage, equipment damage, vehicle damage, facility damage, etc.

Unfortunately, there will always be weather events and damage resulting from such events; but, as weather events continue to become more frequent and more severe, being prepared can help reduce the impact of these events on your business and your life.

Andrew S McPherson

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